Do Programmatic Ad Buyers Know What Type of Auctions They are Using?
Programmatic ad buyers, usually used to refer to when advertisements are being bought and auctioned off using software, often times do not know what types of auctions they are using. According to multiple sources, campaigners often sell their auction saying that it is a first price auction, when in reality it may be a second […]
The House Bubble of 2008, and Its Information Cascade Attached above is a link for the article referenced. The housing bubble of 2008 was a bubble formed by various factors. Junk bonds, subprime mortgages, and information cascades all played a role in the boom and eventual downturn of the US housing market. The mentioned article explains how the housing crash was not due […]
Google Algorithm ‘Failed Spectacularly’ During Las Vegas Shooting On October 10, 2017, Stephen Paddock opened fire on thousands of people at the Route 91 Country Music Festival from his 32nd floor suite in the Mandalay Bay hotel in Paradise, Nevada; but that is not the information Google was spreading early in the investigation. According to the article, “Google Algorithm ‘Failed Spectacularly’ […]
Predictable Bidding Behavior In A Sponsor Search Market
Have you ever owned a Facebook page? Managing a high-profile Facebook page for your business requires more than just constantly posting photos and updates. Tracking the performance of Facebook ads and boosting them regularly has become the number one concern of a lot of online businesses. In the lecture, we learned about how to construct […]
Matching Markets in the Medical World
In May 1998, the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) released a new matching program which paired entry-level physicians with eligible residency programs throughout the United States. Until then, the NRMP had been using the matching market algorithm designed in the 1950s. Future residents would rank the hospitals they wanted to be residents at in something […]
An Analysis of PageRank This article discusses some of the history of PageRank and explains how it works. It also mentions how some websites will put hidden text on a page, so Google will see the text that makes a page more valuable, which would artificially increase its PageRank. This article also discusses link farming, the act of […]
Power and Interdependence Within the Economies of the United States and China
In class, we discussed the influence of power within social networks. In this discussion, the term dependence was mentioned, which occurs when a node is completely dependent on another node as its source of value, due to a lack of outside sources. This dependence decreases the power of the outer nodes, while simultaneously increasing the […]
Game Theory in Brexit Negotiations: The No-Deal Scenario
Game Theory in Brexit Negotiations 2016 and 2017 were two years full of political and economic shakeups. From unexpected candidates winning massive elections, to tensions reaching new heights, the United Kingdom European Union membership referendum, colloquially known as Brexit was no exception. As with many other decisions, large or small, Brexit legislators will need to […]
eBay Auctions
One commonality that most people fail to see that links Google to eBay is the idea of auctions. As we learned in class, Google accumulates the majority of its revenue through auctioning off advertisements located at the top and bottom of general searches. However, during class, we never had the opportunity to explore one of […]
An Improved Computation of the PageRank Algorithm As learned in class, Google uses the ranking method PageRank in order to measure the relative importance of web pages. However, in practice the algorithm can sometimes fail to have the sum of all the PageRank values equal to 1 as the computation process continues. Hence, the PageRank values become smaller than they should […]
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