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Facebook Event Update


Facebook recently added a new feature to their event pages, in which people can now see if someone has seen an event invite. This adds a few pros and cons as explained in this article: for the invitee it adds stress because now that you know the inviter has seen if you have received the invitation, it adds more pressure to respond to it. But then yet again if you are the inviter it is nice to know who has seen your invitation and who is aware of the event. Here are some cons: 1. if you were invited but don’t want the inviter to know you have seen the page, then you cannot click on the event and see who was invited/going 2. as the inviter it could be stressful if everyone has seen it but no one has responded 3. having added stress to answer it even if you dont know if you can make it or not. The pros are: 1. event managing- so just knowing who has seen the invite or not.


This relates to the information based reasoning and the direct benefit reasoning. This seen button takes away the ambiguity of events. For example, before if you really didnt want to attend an event, you could just pretend as though you did not see the facebook invite, but not anymore. Also if you do not want to click on the event, you cannot see who is attending or not attending it and therefore wont be able to decide if you should go or not based on who else is going- and therefore itd be even harder to decide if the event is worth going to yourself.

I am not a big fan of this new feature cause I hate having to respond to things right away and like to be able to wait, but with this feature I feel the pressure to respond as soon as I see it.


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December 2015
