Network Neutrality and Auctions
The debate over net neutrality is heating up very quickly. Net neutrality is the idea that all data on the internet should be treated equally. It does not advocate interference by internet providers or the government. If net neutrality was suspended, network providers would be able to control what data is most prevalent. Without net neutrality, the relationship between networks and those that provide services through the internet would be much like an auction. Advocates of net neutrality argue that without net neutrality, network providers would charge internet users to display their websites. Those that pay the most would have websites that would be very popular on the internet, whereas those who do not pay a lot would be hard to find on the internet. They even believe that internet providers would slow down the speed at which consumers are able to get the services on the internet that do not pay as much. In this auction, people are bidding on the speed of their internet page. The higher the bid, the higher the speed and easier the website is to access by the public. It would be in everyone’s best interest to bid their value to ensure that their internet site is not slowed down and made harder to access.
Personally, I am in support of network neutrality. The internet should be a place where people are free to advertise their businesses. Those that do not have as much money as other big name companies should have an equal opportunity to become successful. If net neutrality was suspended, little companies would not be able to compete with larger companies that can afford to pay more. The internet should be driven by pure competition, not how much a company can afford to pay. The U.S. senate is currently holding hearings on net neutrality. Net neutrality is essential to protect both small business entrepreneurs and consumers.