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Linked In and How it Allows for the Creation of Networks

Link: “How LinkedIn Works” was a fascinating article that went into great detail about Linked In, a popular networking cite for professionals. While it detailed Linked In’s primary audience, its purpose and privacy settings, I found the most interesting part of the article dealt with the process of forming “connections,” a term equivalent to […]

Networks in Net Neutrality

Article:   Earlier this year, Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom wheeler proposed a change in the legislature regarding broadband connection: the new rules would permit content companies to offer customers and consumers to pay for “fast track internet” (faster speeds). Net neutrality advocates, mainly comprised of websites, other tech companies, and everyday Internet users […]

The Cuban Missile Crisis

The Cuban Missile Crisis was a 13 day confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union over the Soviet ballistic missiles deployed in Cuba, just 90 miles off the coast of Florida. When the United States learnt of this development, the Kennedy administration turned to War Game Theory in its deliberation to understand how to confront […]

Graph Theory and the Ebola outbreak

The current Ebola outbreak in West Africa has been the worst in its history. It first started in 1976 but it was restricted to remote villages at the time, so there really wasn’t a significant spread. Fast forward 38 years later, with technical developments and better transportation services, it is very likely for this disease […]

Eagles vs Vultures : A Showcase of Producer–Scrounger Dynamics

  This article discusses the underlying feeding behavior of two bird species, vultures versus eagles, and explores their evolutionary reinforcements using a game-theoretic model. The coexistence of these two carnivores inevitably leads to resource niche partitioning. As a result, interactions between the vulture and the eagle have led to the possibility of social information transfer […]

Using fundamental graph theory analysis to deconstruct the human brain as!

Although science has made great progress in countless fields of study, it still falls a bit short with understanding the one rudimentary thing behind scientific progress: Science still does not fully understand the human brain. When we try to scientifically understand and breakdown something, we break the subject down into measurements, scientific meta data, mathematical […]

Apple Pay Game Theory and Decisions made by Consumers and Businesses

Apple recently unveiled a new payment system ApplePay, which aims to replace the wallet by having payment through credit cards done through their iPhones. Many other companies have aimed to replace the wallet in similar ways to what Apple is doing with ApplePay, and the consumer and business decisions involved can be looked at using […]

Defending DDoS Attacks Using Game Theory This paper discusses the use of game theory to decide the optimal method to defend against a DDoS attack. It considers the attacker and defender to be the two players and calculates the Nash equilibrium to decide the optimal defending strategy. There are several different methods that attackers use in order to harass the […]

Power And Network In Africa

It is a well known fact that a good number of African leaders tends to remain in power for what would be considered really long terms. The former Libyan president, Muammar Gaddafi, who made headlines wherever he went was the de facto ruler of the country for 42 years. Former kenyan president, Daniel Moi, was […]

Strength of Underlying Network To Predict Soccer Success

Soccer is a game within which intricate networks and game theory tactics exist. In this post I will address passing networks within soccer teams. In the network model used, the players are the nodes and connections represent passes among the players (thicker lines meaning stronger connections). Looking at the 2010 World Cup Champion Spanish team […]

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September 2014
