The Deep Web
The Internet is like an iceberg. What we view and interact with daily is just the tip. There exists a large amount of the Internet that remains unseen and unsearchable by traditional means. 10 years ago, estimates put the size of this content at 500 times larger than the public web! This “invisible” Internet is […]
Slingshot SEO: A study on CTRs of Google and Bing results
Slingshot SEO is a search engine optimization company that serves as a consultant for clients to increase traffic on their websites. The company employs a set of strategies to increase the standing of a website in a query of search results using Google, Bing, Yahoo! or any major search engine. Their main selling point is […]
McDonald’s and Mommy Bloggers
To ensure that McDonald’s new healthy changes to fast food menu items don’t impact the huge success of the (in)famous Happy Meal, McDonald’s determined the target market for Happy Meal buyers: moms. And the influential people in that target market? The moms who dole out advice, the ones who say what your kids should and […]
Probabilities in Casinos and Deception We got introduced to probabilities in our class, so I tried looking for practical ways people make use of probability so I researched about casino winning probabilities. And looked at roulette specifically: After multiplying out all the payoffs and the probabilities to get the expectation we see that a player expectation is […]
Contributions in Online Communities
Within online communities there are more or less two groups of people: people who contribute and people who only benefit from others’ contributions. Both groups benefit equally from the contribution of users, but contributors have to invest time and effort into their contributions. In addition to that, people who do not contribute typically make up […]
A Simplified Look at Electronic Communication Networks
When looking at network models of markets with intermediaries, one real-life example that quickly comes to mind is the financial market. Many of the assets available in the overall financial market, such as stocks and currencies, have historically been traded between two counterparties with the help of an intermediary (a trader). This model is not […]
Google indexing Facebook comments According to the article, “Google indexing Facebook comments” by Tanya Combrinck, Google has significantly increased the scope of material that its PageRank system will utilize. The “Googlebot,” or the server system that constantly indexes the web and builds the database used by Google search engine, can now parse comment boxes. For example, it can […]
The National Resident Matching Program
Every year in March, hopeful medical school graduates are matched to hospital residency programs across the country through “The Match.” The Match is the National Resident Matching Program’s (NRMP) effort to optimize the medical student’s choice in residency program with the residency program’s preferences for applicants. The program was established in 1952 to better organize […]
Apple’s Impact Through Networks
It is no secret that Apple Inc. has changed consumer perceptions of portable electronics. With the return of Steve Jobs to the company, a new era of portable electronics was ushered in with the release of the first iPod in 2001. Although the iPod was certainly not the first digital music player on the market, […]
Split the Bill or Pay Your Own?
At one point, most of us have probably gone out to eat with friends in a sit down restaurant. Everything is nice and dandy until the subject of the bill finally comes up. Now, it is time to decide whether the group wants to split the bill evenly amongst everybody or just have everybody pay […]
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