Emergence of Cyberwar Game Theory
Guy-Philippe Goldstein is a French management consultant with an MBA from Northwestern University. He is the author of Babel Minute Zero, a novel analyzing and discussing the reality of cyberwar in our current geopolitical topography. In a TEDxParis lecture Goldstein explains how cyberattacks, although digital, prompt armed conflicts in the physical world and present significant […]
Crookes v. Newton: where is the Line Drawn Between Hyperlinks and Libel?
As a Canadian student at Cornell, I try to keep up-to-date with the news from home. Considering we are learning about the structure of the Internet in Networks, I was particularly interested to read about the October 19 Canadian Supreme Court decision of Crookes v. Newton, in which it was unanimously ruled that “posting online […]
Two Powerful Companies, Faithful Customers, and Strong Ties… Makes for A Strong Triadic Closure.
Two Powerful Companies, Faithful Customers, and Strong Ties… Makes for A Strong Triadic Closure. – Article found at http://www.cnn.com/2011/09/13/tech/mobile/google-android-intel/index.html?iref=allsearch – So everyone’s heard of Google and everyone’s heard of Intel… it doesn’t surprise many when these company names come in conversation or reach headlines for a new development or innovation made by that particular company. […]