The phrase, “you should eat in moderation” is commonly shared, but not always explained. We are going to share what this phrase means and how you can practice eating in moderation.
Moderation can be defined as “the avoidance of excess.” In nutrition, eating in moderation is the practice of only consuming the amount of food your body requires in order to be healthy. It is best to consume healthful foods, which includes whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and lean proteins in appropriate portion sizes. Foods that are less healthful may be consumed occasionally in small portion sizes, but not as part of your regular diet. This includes foods high in saturated fat, salt, and added sugar. Excessive consumption of unhealthy foods may lead to obesity and other chronic diseases.
Tips for Eating in Moderation:
- Limit your portion size:
- Choose a smaller plate or bowl. Avoid eating foods from the package, place on a serving dish to be mindful of how much you are eating.
- Eat the recommended serving size found on the Nutrition Facts Label.
- When out to eat, split an entrée with a friend or family member or bring leftovers home to be enjoyed later on.
- Mindful eating, think about how you are feeling and stop eating when you feel full. Limit distractions, such as the TV or cell phone use, while eating to stay in tune with how you are feeling.
- Take your time and try eating slowly. It may be helpful to put your eating utensil down in between bites.
- Drink water with your meal.
- Eat foods that require chewing, such as raw vegetables and fruits.
What changes can you make to practice eating in moderation? Share with us in the comment section below.