Fresh From the Garden- Homegrown Basil

Herbs can be really expensive in grocery stores. Fresh cut basil bought in store can cost anywhere from $2-5 and to add to that, fresh basil only lasts about 2 days when kept in the refrigerator. As a money saving alternative, you could grow basil indoors or in your garden. This herb grows all year-round indoors.

You might be familiar with basil as an ingredient in a basil pesto. Basil, also called sweet basil, is a pungent green leaf that belongs to the mint family of herbs. Basil leaves can be used fresh or dried. This herb adds a unique sweet yet minty and peppery flavor to dishes like pasta sauces, pizza and salads.

Follow these four simple steps to growing your own basil:

Step One:

Basil is a tropical plant that needs the sun and warmth. Pick a sunny spot to place the planting containers, such as by your window.

Step Two:

In individual pots or any other container like a cup, firmly pack soil (potting mix). For each pot, sprinkle about 4-6 seeds on the surface of the soil and gently cover the seeds with the soil.

Step Three:

Lightly add water to the soil daily with a spray bottle. Make sure that the soil is moist and not too wet.

Step Four:

After 3-4 weeks, your basil should be ready to harvest. Carefully snip the leaves and lightly rinse under running water.

What other herbs have you planted at home? Share with us in the comments below. 

Cecilia Msogoya

Cornell Student

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