Picky Eaters

After getting home from a long day one of the last things that you want to do is battle over whether your child wants to eat carrots at dinner. Parents know that getting kids to eat certain foods can be a challenging and stressful event. The good news is that getting a picky eater to eat a healthy meal does not have to be a battle.


Try some of these tips to help your children be more adventurous at dinner!

Put healthy choices on the plate.

It is the parent’s job to put healthy choices on the plate. Fill the plate with a variety of bright colorful foods and let your child choose their favorite foods.

Fun shapes.

Kids are drawn to food that looks fun. You can use cookie cutters to make the food into fun shapes!

Work together in the kitchen.

Helping prepare meals can be a fun activity and it makes the child feel like they have ownership over the meal so they are more likely to eat it.

Turn down the noise.

Children are easily distracted by almost anything including the TV. By getting rid of distractions your child can concentrate on eating.

Be a role model.

Kids watch what you are eating so if you are not eating a certain food then they probably won’t either.

Let us know how these tips worked for you and your children! Also let us know if you have any other tips!

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