Reunion Weekend Showcase 2022

The 2022 Reunion Weekend Showcase took place at Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM) on June 9-11. Alumni were invited from the classes ending in 2s and 7s. On Friday, June 10th the College Showcase took place, where 11 departments across the CVM were represented. The inter-campus departments included:

  1. Feline Health Center and Baker Institute
  2. Margaret and Richard Riney Canine Health Center (RCHC)
  3. The Center for Veterinary Business and Entrepreneurship (CVBE)
  4. Animal Health and Diagnostic Center (AHDC) 
  5. Educational Support Services and the Office of Continuing Education
  6. Maddie’s® Shelter Medicine Program
  7. Biomedical and Biological Sciences Program
  8. Department of Public and Ecosystem Health
  9. Master in Public Health Program
  10. Admissions
  11. Student and Academic Services, Wellbeing and Human Resources (HR)

This year the office of Alumni Affairs and Student Programing saw an attendance of over 220 veterinary college alumni and guests that were registered to attend this year’s event.

Dr. Kristen Pow (left), Dr. Dani Lopez Goicochea (center) and Suzette Moschetti, Program Coordinator (right) tabling for the Reunion Showcase event.
Dr. Kristen Pow (left), Dr. Dani Lopez Goicochea (center) and Suzette Moschetti, Program Coordinator (right) tabling for the Reunion Showcase event.

Maddie’s® Shelter Medicine Program met with several alumni that spoke with our program coordinator and current interns– Dr. Dani Lopez Goicochea, Maddie’s® Shelter Medicine Intern, and Dr. Kristen Pow, Janet L. Swanson Intern of Shelter Medicine, about the relatively new specialty of shelter medicine in the veterinary profession and answered questions about what a day-to-day job in the shelter looks like.

Alumni from the 60s and 70s, all the way to teenage prospective students attended with alumni friends and family.

The MSMP team talking with alumni and prospective students
The MSMP team talking with alumni and prospective students

To view more pictures from Reunion Weekend, click here. 

To watch the recorded Facebook Livestream from the event, click here. 



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