Pseudomonas Labs
High School
Inquiry/Scientific Method
Module 1: This classroom activity demonstrates interactions between plants and specific strains of Pseudomonas (a plant-pathogenic bacteria). Students will design an experiment that demonstrates the specificity of the hypersensitive response. This serves as a starting point to learn the importance of model systems through comparisons of two pathogens. Both Pseudomonas, a plant pathogen, and Yersina pestis, the bacteria that causes the bubonic plague, use the same molecular machinery to infect cells.
Module 2: This classroom activity demonstrates interactions between two different strains of bacteria. Students will design an experiment that demonstrates that genetic information can be passed from one species of bacteria to another.
Pseudomonas Module 1 (Student Edition)
Pseudomonas Module 1 (Teacher Edition)
Pseudomonas Module 2 (Student Edition)