A Song about Exit West Pt 1.

The mood of this song is by no means how I feel when I read Exit West, but the lyrics definitely speak to the plot of the novel. Saeed and Nadia live in a city being torn apart, if only bit by bit, by a bloody and aggressive war. Through all the commotion, pain, and loss, there is a connection between Saeed and Nadia. How often do we think about people finding connection in war torn areas? For me, this idea has never really crossed my mind because it feels like in such a dangerous situation, there are so many more pressing things to worry about. Saeed and Nadia find connection in a hopeless situation, and that’s why Rihanna’s song came to mind immediately.


One thought on “A Song about Exit West Pt 1.

  1. Great selection Pearl! I was actually going to choose this same song. I thought about it all while I was reading the first part. The conditions and turmoil that Nadia and Saeed have to live through while trying to develop this love really is rather “hopeless”, but they still can’t seem to shake the feelings they have for each other despite this. #shoutouttothem

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