Song for the beginning of On Such a Full Sea

I chose thing song because when I listen to it, it feels very open, like something I would listen to on a long road trip through winding roads of nature. It also has a melancholy, slightly dreary way about it. The lyrics point to a sort of darkness lurking underneath the surface, especially at the bridge when Lana Del Rey sings “I’m tired of feeling like I’m fucking crazy/I’m tired driving till i see stars n my eyes/I got to keep myself sane baby, so i just ride.” She also talks about having a war in her mind–yet she still rides.

Fan has left B-Mor, in pursuit of Reg, and possibly more. She doesn’t really know what she is in pursuit of, or how she will go about finding her lover. Yet, she pushes on.  I feel that both the mood of this sing as well as the lyrics match with Fan’s journey thus far.

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