Princess Nokia – Brujas

“I’m that Black a-Rican bruja straight out from the Yoruba
And my people come from Africa diaspora, Cuba
And you mix that Arawak, that original people
I’m that Black Native American, I vanquish all evil
I’m that Black a-Rican bruja straight out from the Yoruba
And my ancestors Nigerian, my grandmas was brujas
And I come from an island and it’s called Puerto Rico
And it’s one of the smallest but it got the most people”

“Bruja” means “witch” in Spanish, in which Princess Nokia states in homage to her ancestors and origins.  The lyrics start with a repetition of the same phrase and as if to mystify and assert respect for the African witchcraft of her roots.   The lyrics continue to layer spirituality with her own Afro-Latinx identity as well as the bonds and connection of women as a force to be reckoned with.