One Drop Rule, Small town in Ohio

Article of One drop rule in Ohio

This is an article about how there is a town in Ohio where the citizens consider themselves black because of past history on regulations inside of the town. This really makes one think about what race is and how we can measure it and whether we should measure it. I think that race is a concept that mainly divides people. It’s used in this country to unite others in order to attack others.

One thought on “One Drop Rule, Small town in Ohio

  1. Hi Nicholas, this is really interesting article. When we start to categorize race by percentages and racist policies such as ‘one drop rules’ it can become difficult to conceptualize what exactly being a part of a particular race is. This raised questions of what does it mean to be black. Can we even make monolithic statements like that? Is is about color?, location? experience?. This class, helps undo some of our assumptions and stereotypes of what and who people are. We can see different things being put into perspective and learning about worlds that aren’t highlighted enough.

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