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Concur Travel System Project Has Entered Phase 1

A lot has happened with the Concur Travel System project since the last general update in April, when the Phase 0 Pilot kickoff occurred. Phase 0 marked the first time any Cornell traveler used Concur. The assistance of Phase 0 participants helped identify areas that needed attention in the production environment. Pilot participants were selected individuals in the Division of Financial Affairs, Cornell Information Technologies, Alumni Affairs and Development, and the School of Industrial and Labor Relations.

Phase 1 began in June, with the rollout of Concur to eventually include all travelers in the units listed above, plus the departments of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, and Neurobiology and Behavior. Individuals in these units are introduced to training materials and other documentation about Concur, asked for feedback about the system, and many travelers are issued one of the new Cornell Travel and Meal cards. Travelers have also been introduced to the company providing Cornell with travel agent service, Corporate Travel Planners (CTP).

The Frequently Asked Questions page has been expanded and reorganized. This information was likewise updated in resources used by the IT Service Desk, to help them better provide central support for questions about Concur.

As Phase 1 proceeds, individuals will use Concur for their travels, and what they experience will continue to be used to evaluate the performance and functionality of the system. In early fall, the project will reach Phase 2. The plan and phasing for rolling out Concur to the rest of campus are still under development.

As always, the Concur project team thanks everyone participating in the Pilot and Phase 1. We hope your experience has been good and we will try to keep improving.