Jesus Martinez-Gomez

Jesus hails from University of Washington (UW) where he completed his undergraduate degree in Molecular Cellular and Developmental Biology. Throughout his undergrad, he carried out research working with Dr. Veronica DiStilio on the molecular developmental genetics of floral organs, specifically in the Ranunculaceae genus Thalictrum. Jesus was part of the ALVA GenOM project at UW, and as part of this program was able to attend several international meetings, mentor fellow undergrads through the process of finding a lab and carrying out independent research, carry out a summer research project at NYU, and complete an undergraduate honors thesis based on his research in plant evodevo.

Jesus joined the Specht Lab in Fall 2016 through the graduate program in Integrative Biology at UC Berkeley. He was awarded a Chancellor’s Fellowship and a Hellman Graduate Fellowship at UC Berkeley. He transferred to Cornell in the Fall of 2018 to join Specht Lab East and continues his amazing work on the evolution of inflorescences in the UMBEL-evable Allium. Jesus is a Graduate School Dean’s Scholar and a recipient of the Provost Diversity Fellowship at Cornell University.


  1. Tribble, C.M., Martínez‐Gómez, J., Howard, C.C., Males, J., Sosa, V., Sessa, E.B., Cellinese, N. and Specht, C.D., 2021. Get the shovel: morphological and evolutionary complexities of belowground organs in geophytes. American Journal of Botany.
  2. Howard, C.C., Tribble, C.M., Martínez‐Gómez, J., Sessa, E.B., Specht, C.D. and Cellinese, N., 2021. 1, 2, 3, GO! Venture beyond gene ontologies in plant evolutionary research. American Journal of Botany.
  3. Martínez‐Gómez, J., Galimba, K.D., Coté, E.Y., Sullivan, A.M. and Di Stilio, V.S., 2020. Spontaneous homeotic mutants and genetic control of floral organ identity in a ranunculid. Evolution & Development.
  4. Martínez‐Gómez, Jesús. “Digest: Phylogenetic comparative methods identify traits associated with urbanization tolerance in Anolis.” (2020): 1570-1572.
  5. Wang, T. N., Clifford, M. R., Martínez-Gómez, J., Johnson, J. C., Riffell, J. A., & Di Stilio, V. S. (2018). Scent matters: differential contribution of scent to insect response in flowers with insect vs. wind pollination traits. Annals of botany.
  6. Galimba, K. D., Martínez-Gómez, J., & Di Stilio, V. S. (2018). Gene Duplication and Transference of Function in the paleoAP3 Lineage of Floral Organ Identity Genes. Frontiers in Plant Science, 9, 334.

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Student Spotlight: Jesus Martinez-Gomez