Tag: mammals

Ticks and the freezing weather

“That is a bracing cold, an invigorating cold. Lord, is it cold!” – Sheldon Cooper It is inevitable that when the temperatures drop below zero we are asked “Will this extended period of extremely low temps kill off ticks?” First, the bad news. We do not expect the cold to directly affect blacklegged or dog…Continue Reading Ticks and the freezing weather

Everything Wants to Prepare for Winter

Although summer heat is predicted for New York State through at least the Labor Day weekend, signs of the inevitable change of seasons are upon us. The daylight hours are becoming shorter, territorial singing by birds has decreased greatly, and many animals, including tree squirrels, begin preparing for the long, cold months of winter. In…Continue Reading Everything Wants to Prepare for Winter

The squirrels are coming, the squirrels are coming!!

“Spring work is going on with joyful enthusiasm.” ― John Muir In other words, birthing season will soon be upon us. And though it’s fun watching animal families grow up in our backyards, it’s best that they don’t give birth within our buildings. Because female squirrels seek safe places to raise their young in late…Continue Reading The squirrels are coming, the squirrels are coming!!

The Difference Between Voles and Moles

Is it mole? A vole? These small mammals are often confused with each other, probably because they’re both associated with tunnels. But they’re really quite different and, depending on the circumstance, could be a pest — or not. Since the first step in IPM is to identify your problem, let’s shed light on these two…Continue Reading The Difference Between Voles and Moles

“No Surprises” Trip Prep? IPM, Prevention Are Key

So you’re thinking of a trip south, camper or boat in tow, or maybe a little winter getaway to your cabin in the North Country.  For “no surprises” trip prep, take advantage of every spell of mild weather to make sure you’ve kept rodents from settling into cozy quarters (or disinvite those that have) removed…Continue Reading “No Surprises” Trip Prep? IPM, Prevention Are Key

IPM for Wildlife — the Hotline Begins Here

Maybe it’s the chipmunk stashing a winter’s-worth of nuts and seeds in the cellar. Or momma raccoon bringing up baby in the attic (the latrine she made is conveniently nearby). Or any of 20-plus critters that set up shop where we want them least. Nationwide, Cooperative Extension’s Master Gardener volunteers are IPM-trained and equipped to…Continue Reading IPM for Wildlife — the Hotline Begins Here