Online Learning Opportunities

What a week!  It’s been a crash course on how to successfully work from home and how to better utilize online tools, like Zoom and Skype.  I want to give a big shout out to our CCE administration peoples for all the support and the trainings they have hosted and are continuously setting up.  Thank you!

If you haven’t stopped by the CCE staff website lately, check it out now at
(And keep going back every day to check in for more information and upcoming trainings!)

If there is a specific type of training that you would like to see happen, fill out this form:


There is already a treasure trove of helpful resources out there.  Start small, pick a focus, learn it and then use it!  Below are some links to get you started.

Communications Resources
This is a great place to start when trying to dig through what to use, what resources are available, to find recorded and upcoming trainings and how to connect with the CCE Communications team.


Upcoming Programming Staff Sessions:


Introduction to Moodle for Instructors:


Upcoming Zoom Training Sessions:

Zoom Resources:


Most Requested LinkedIn Learning Courses:


Working From Home Resources: