Updates Causing Computers to Run Slow

Patch Tuesday is the name given to the day each month that Microsoft releases security and other patches for their operating systems and other software.

Patch Tuesday is always the second Tuesday of each month.

Most of us will experience more of a Patch Wednesday/Thursday because this is the day we notice our computers running slower and the updates installing when we shut down/restart.

(Some half-jokingly refer to the day after Patch Tuesday as Crash Wednesday, referring to the troubles that sometimes accompany a computer after the patches are installed.)

What can we do?

  • Allow extra time during the second week of the month for your computer to shut down and boot up.
    I have a reoccurring event on my calendar for the second Tuesday-Thursday of each month so I am reminded to give myself more time at night to shut down, if I need to take my laptop with me.
  • Computer running slow during the day?  Restart it.
    Restarting your computer allows the downloaded updates to finish installing.  Sometimes you will need to shut down completely and then turn back on your computer if it still has more updates to install.
  • Never, ever force your computer to shut down during updates.
    Interrupting the update process can be very detrimental to your computer and software.  If you interrupt it during a major update to Windows or the Office software, Windows may not boot up or your Office programs will not open.
    When this happens, you’ll need to reach out to Christi or myself for assistance, and we most likely will have to reinstall Windows on your computer.