Identity Theft Resources

I’m sure you’ve all heard of the recent spate of data breaches in the news (most recent: Equifax Credit Bureau’s breach).

It’s easy to panic, but more important to make sure you take the steps in protecting your personal identity.

CIT has provided steps here:  Please take a few minutes to follow the steps to protect yourself.

As always, it’s important to triple-check before you open email that might be a phishing attempt.  The senders of these emails are getting more sophisticated – it’s not always easy to tell, and sometimes the emails seem to come from someone you know.

If you haven’t watched these videos, I recommend them: Avoiding Online Scams and Email Phishing 101.  The lessons learned can be applied to both work and personal situations.

Also, please remember to check:

  • Cornell’s Phishbowl – for phishing emails that have been sent to a large number of Cornellians.
  • Cornell’s Verified Communications list – the opposite of the Phishbowl – for emails you can trust from Cornell.

If you have any questions, please let me know.