Dinner lecture: Reproductive Aging in Female Cheetahs and Naked Mole Rats

What: ZAWS will be hosting a dinner lecture with Dr. Ned Place! Dr. Place’s lab focuses on comparative mammalian reproductive endocrinology/physiology, aging, and behavior. Female Naked Mole Rats and Cheetahs are both unique in the animal world for their pattern of reproductive aging. Come learn more about this topic from Dr. Place himself as he discusses his work with these two amazing species!

Sign up for dinner here.  Please remember to bring your own plates and utensils.

When: Tuesday, April 17, 5-6pm

Where: Lecture Hall 1, the vet school

Dinner lecture and lab: Turtle shell Repair

ZAWS will host another lecture and lab oppportunity!  The lecture will be held in LH4 followed by a hands on opportunity to “perform” turtle shell repair in the Gross Lab.

The lecture is open to everyone, but because of a limited supply of specimens the lab is limited to the first 24 DUES PAYING MEMBERS.

Please wear scrubs and close toed shoes!

Dinner will be served at the lecture (from 6-7)!
Please bring your own plates and utensils!

When: Thursday April 12, 6-7 pm (lecture), 7-9 pm (lab)

Where: Lecture hall 4 for the lecture, the Gross (Bilinski) Laboratory for the lab (both located in the vet school)

Event: Shark necroscopy lab

What: ZAWS will host their Shark Necropsy Lab, led by Dr. Willy Bemis, Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology here at Cornell. Dr. Bemis studies the anatomy, development, and evolutionary relationships of fossil and living fishes including sharks, lungfishes, coelacanths, bowfins, sturgeons and paddlefishes.  This lab is only open to 20 DUES PAYING MEMBERS.

When: April 10th, 4-6 pm

Where: Belinski Wet Lab

All participants must wear scrubs.  Sign up for lab and dinner here


Event: “Every Picture Tells a Story: How to Create Visual Stories in the Field”

What: ZAWS be hosting David Brown, an award-winning cinematographer, to teach a course in wildlife photography/cinematography and visual storytelling, including its importance in wildlife conservation. The course will be taught in two 2-hour sessions.  To get the most out of the course you should attend both lectures, but if you can only attend one that is okay.

When: April 10th and April 18th, 6-8pm

Where: Lecture Hall Floor, the vet school

Dinner will be served.  Sign up here

Dinner Lecture: Conservation with communities

What: Join ZAWS for a lecture from the Jane Goodall Institute (JGI) veterinary team as part of the JGI Republic of Congo Program! Dr. Rebeca Atencia and Sofia Fernandez will discuss JGI initiatives in Congo as well as their experiences in conservation and global veterinary medicine.  Bring your own plates and utensils.

When: Tuesday March 13th, 6:00 PM

Where: Lecture Hall 4, the vet school

Dinner Lecture: Our Costly Obsession, The Problem of Plastic Waste and What You Can do to Help

What:  Join ZAWS and WVLDI as we welcome Mariah Beck to speak about the problem of plastic pollution, and what we can do to help, her own waste-less lifestyle, and the sense of empowerment it has provided her!

This event will include a very brief lecture followed by a workshop on how you can produce less waste and empower others to take action!

When:  Monday, March 5, 6-7pm

Where: LH4, the vet school

Event: ZAWS February Journal Club

When: Tuesday, February 20th, 6pm

Where: Centennial Room (S2 120)

Theme: Diseases at the Livestock-Wildlife Interface



How to get involved with Journal Club:

– Choose one of the 7 journal articles from the link below and read it prior to journal club
– Enter your article selection in the appropriate space in the sign-up sheet in the link below
– Bring any questions, comments, points of discussion that the article may have raised for you (the more you bring the better!)
– Feel free to come with any questions you may have for how the papers relate to the practice of medicine/your curriculum
-We’ll cover different journals (JZWM, JWD, JAMS, JEMS, JEPM, etc.) and themes every month so feel free to make a request.
– Dr. Hopf will guide the discussion and answer questions.

Why you should participate in Journal Club:
-Learn how to read and critique scientific literature. Note – not only will you have to do this on clinics, for your senior seminar, and for your entire career, but if you want to be board-certified, you need to write papers and know the current literature for the exam.
-It’s completely ok if you’ve never done this before, we will help you!
-Discuss cool, cutting-edge zoo, wildlife, and exotics stuff. This is not stuff that we learn in our curriculum.
-Spend time with some awesome people in a relaxed, non-judgmental environment. 🙂
-Sometimes, read the work of your very own professors and/or residents!
-It’s FUN!

Sign up here.  Get February journal club articles here.


Event: ZAWS rounds

What: Join ZAWS for our second ever Belize Zoo Rounds!
Bring your lunch and listen and learn as your fellow students talk about their experiences at the Belize Zoo!

When: February 20th, 1:15-2:00 pm

Where: S1-222 (classroom 6), the vet school

Dinner Lecture: Conseration of Przewalski’s Horses in the Great Gobi B

Dr. Christian Walzer, executive director of the Wildlife Conservation Society and head of Conservation Medicine at the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Austria will present a 50min talk to the Cornell Graduate Community on his work with Przewalski Horse Conservation in the Great Gobi B Strictly Protected Area, a nature preserve in South-Western Mongolia.

Also joining Dr. Walzer will by Dr. PK Robbins Walzer, a clinical veterinarian with over 25 years experience in a wide variety of zoological collections, including zoos in Los Angeles, San Diego and Disney’s Animal Kingdom.

Dr. Walzer’s talk will be followed by a Q & A with both Dr. Walzer and Dr. Robbins Walzer to discuss general aspects of careers in conservation and zoo medicine.

When: Thursday, February 15 at 5:30 PM

Where: LH4, the vet school

RSVP here or through the email sent out on the ZAWS listserv

About Przewalski’s horses:
The Przewalski’s horse, called “Takhi” in Mongolian, is an endangered species of wild equid native to the steppes of central Asia. It became extinct in the wild and has only survived due to captive breeding. The Przewalski’s horse has now been reintroduced to its native range and is the target of numerous conservation efforts. Unlike the American mustang, which is descended from feral domestic horses, the Przewalski’s horse is a unique species of equid which has never been domesticated. It remains the only true wild horse in the world today.

Event: Avian Soft Tissue Surgery Lab

ZAWS has an exciting opportunity to learn about Avian Surgery in another hands on  lab! The event will include a demonstration by Dr. De Matos followed by the opportunity for students to practice suturing, incisions, biopsies, placing esophagostomy tubes, toe amputation, celiotomy, and so much more!

Due to limited space and resources, unfortunately the lab will only be open to the first 20 dues-paying second, third, and fourth years.

Please wear scrubs/lab coats and bring gloves and your dissection kit!

Sign up through the email notification on the ZAWS listserv.

When: February 1st, 5:30-7:30pm

Where: Belinski Wet Lab, vet school