Event: ZAWS February Journal Club

When: Tuesday, February 20th, 6pm

Where: Centennial Room (S2 120)

Theme: Diseases at the Livestock-Wildlife Interface



How to get involved with Journal Club:

– Choose one of the 7 journal articles from the link below and read it prior to journal club
– Enter your article selection in the appropriate space in the sign-up sheet in the link below
– Bring any questions, comments, points of discussion that the article may have raised for you (the more you bring the better!)
– Feel free to come with any questions you may have for how the papers relate to the practice of medicine/your curriculum
-We’ll cover different journals (JZWM, JWD, JAMS, JEMS, JEPM, etc.) and themes every month so feel free to make a request.
– Dr. Hopf will guide the discussion and answer questions.

Why you should participate in Journal Club:
-Learn how to read and critique scientific literature. Note – not only will you have to do this on clinics, for your senior seminar, and for your entire career, but if you want to be board-certified, you need to write papers and know the current literature for the exam.
-It’s completely ok if you’ve never done this before, we will help you!
-Discuss cool, cutting-edge zoo, wildlife, and exotics stuff. This is not stuff that we learn in our curriculum.
-Spend time with some awesome people in a relaxed, non-judgmental environment. 🙂
-Sometimes, read the work of your very own professors and/or residents!
-It’s FUN!

Sign up here.  Get February journal club articles here.


Event: ZAWS October Journal Club – Avian Disease

Date:         Monday, October 16th, 6pm
Location:  Centennial Room (S2 120)
Theme:     Avian Disease

How to get involved with Journal Club:
– Choose one of the 10 journal articles attached below and read it prior to journal club
– Send your article selection to Dr. Hopf by Saturday, October 14th
– Bring any questions, comments, points of discussion that the article may have raised for you (the more you bring the better!)
– Feel free to come with any questions you may have for how the papers relate to the practice of medicine/your curriculum
-We’ll cover different journals (JZWM, JWD, JAMS, JEMS, JEPM, etc.) and themes every month so feel free to make a request.
– Dr. Hopf will guide the discussion and answer questions.

See the ZAWS listserv email for sign-up information.