Event: Tropical Biology and Conservation meeting


There will be two talks; Gerardo Soto will be presenting his research titled “Defining Forest Health to Help Conservation Planning in Chile” and Ted Lawrence will be presenting a talk titled: “Linking Economic Globalization to Changes in Maya Forest Landscapes of Yucatan, Mexico.”.  Pizza and beverages will be provided and please bring your own tupperware and utensils.

Tropical Biology and Conservation will also be discussing some of the upcoming activities for the rest of the semester.

When: Wednesday, February 21, 5:00-6:00 pm

Where: Emerson Hall, room 135

About Jonathan Gorman

Jonathan Gorman, Class of 2021, graduated from Cornell as an undergraduate only to return to Cornell as a veterinary student. He is interested in all types of animals and hopes to expand the dialogue about animal health and conservation. Jonathan works for the WildLIFE blog as an editor, writer, and photographer.
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