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Cornell University

Educational Support Services – Knowledge Base

Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine

Voice Amplification Options for Teaching

The Educational Support Services group has partnered with faculty to pilot test audio amplification systems designed to help overcome the challenges of teaching and learning while wearing PPE. Below you will find a summary of the current solutions available in the CVM. Please contact ESS to learn more about any of these systems.


Room Sound Systems

wet lab sounds system in use

Sound systems have been set up in the Gross Anatomy Lab and in the Old Breezeway where the Block VII labs are taught. These systems are working well for addressing large groups.

breezway sound system set up

Listen-Talk System

Large Animal Medicine is using a sound system similar to those used for museum tours. Each participant wears a headset that receives audio from the instructor’s headset. This has been helpful to not only overcome the challenges of teaching through PPE, but also the background noises inherent to the barn environment.

Personal Voice Amplifiers

Several groups are now using our personal voice amplifiers for addressing smaller groups of students. These units are intended to be worn by instructors. A wired or bluetooth microphone is paired with a small battery operated speaker. These are currently being used in labs at the dairy barn, as well as more traditional lab settings. Dr. McArt has modeled a system on her twitter feed

personal amplification deviceDr McArt usign personal amplificationdevice