Aperio Digital Slides
Using Aperio Imagescope to View Digital Slides
The glass slides used in the Foundation courses have been scanned and true-color digital slide images have been created. These slides are not just still images of one portion of a glass slide. They allow you to view tissue sections just as you would under the microscope.
- Open the Aperio eSlide Manager page
- Log in using the user name and password for your course
- From the menu bar, select Digital Slides >> All Digital Slides (As Folders)
- On the left side of the screen, where it says File By:, choose “Comment” from the drop-down menu.
- Images are organized in folders that correspond (loosely) to laboratory titles. Click on a folder to access thumbnails of the images in a folder.
- Once you have selected a specific tissue section, click on the digitized slide to load it into ImageScope.