To help home gardeners battle SWD, a fact sheet has been developed, How do I manage Spotted Wing Drosophila (SWD) in my garden? Find it on the Spotted Wing Drosophila Management webpage.
Protecting berries from SWD
Guidelines for farmers to protect berry crops from spotted wing drosophila (SWD) were recently published in the NY Berry News. The article, Chemical Control of Spotted Wing Drosophila in Berry Crops, by Loeb et al., outlines key approaches for getting the best results from sprays aimed at protecting berries from SWD infestation.
2012 NY SWD reports – recap
Insight on when SWD might be found in NY can be obtained from this 2012 table of SWD trap captures and reports of larvae in fruit that came in from scientists last year. Note, the first trap captures in Suffolk County that occurred in March 2012 are not reflected in the table. In the 2013 growing season, so far there have been no trap captures in Suffolk County. Check the 2013 NY distribution map for more info.
Trap methods for SWD updated
The SWD monitoring trap instructions have been updated. The new pdf is at the same link as the older version, on the SWD Monitoring page. Using the yeast bait in an ampule floating in the apple cider vinegar drowning solution has resulted in increased numbers of fruit fly captures per trap. So far, though, no SWD have been captured in NY. Stay tuned.
‘Berry Call’ update
As of June 4, no SWD have been caught in traps in Maine, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, or Pennsylvania, in the US, nor in Ontario, Canada, as reported on the weekly Berry Call.
Who’s monitoring SWD in NY?
Scientists at Cornell University have set traps in NY to monitor for the invasive spotted wing drosophila (SWD). As of June 7, 2013 no SWD have been found in any traps. We are posting data directly into a NY distribution map that is linked on Cornell Fruit Resources and NYS IPM websites. The Cornell University SWD team includes Art Agnello, Greg Loeb, Peter Jentsch and me. The Cornell Cooperative Extension team includes Amy Ivy, Bernie Armata, Betsy Burgeson, Dan Gilrein, Dave Thorp, Debbie Breth, Emily Cook, Faruque Zaman, Ginny Carlberg, Jim O'Connell, Jeff Miller, Kat Loeck, Kevin Iungerman, Laura McDermott, Mike Fargione, Paul Hetzler, Sharon Bachman, and Stephanie Mehlenbacher.