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Last week – first catch in Tioga County

I didn't catch this until now! First catch of SWD was obtained last week on June 1, 2021 in a blueberry field in Tioga County by Barb Neal, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Tioga County. In four Scentry jar traps, 7 SWD were caught, 3 males and 4 females. No SWD males were caught on the two sticky card traps also set in the fields.

Blueberries that are still green and hard aren't suceptible to SWD.
Blueberries are sizing up, but not yet turning color.

Last week many blueberry plantings still had some late bloom, though fruit had set and was sizing. This week, fruit has sized up and the crop is looking very promising, but still green without any blush. There is no need to treat specifically for SWD at this stage, because fruit isn't yet susceptible.

Most sites in the monitoring network are still at zero catch and those that had first catch early haven't reached sustained catch. The hot, dry weather may have inhibited SWD activity and development. But that is likely going to change, so stay tuned and keep a watch on your fruit.

The tree fruit and grape SWD insecticide quick guide is updated, as of June 2, 2021. The other quick guides will be updated soon.

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