Starting the season early...with no zero catch at this site...a lone male SWD was caught in a Scentry drowning trap on Monday, May 10, 2021. These traps are being monitored by Elizabeth Tee, Lake Ontario Fruit Program. All four traps at this location are set on the edge of the planting - two drowning jar traps and two red sticky card traps.
The blueberry planting is very close to Lake Ontario in Niagara County. Earlier trap catch of SWD has been obtained in cherry orchards close, within a mile, to Lake Ontario, as compared to inland orchards. Perhaps the Lake microclimate is at play in enhancing overwintering or spring activity of SWD.
Planning to use Trécé Pherocon red sticky cards and lures? You'll only identify the males, so the male SWD characteristics to keep in mind are:
- The black spots from which the fly gets its common name. One on each wing, along the leading edge, circular to oval, sometimes with faint dark gray stripes within the spot.
- The two combs on each of the forelegs. These will appear like black dots, but under high magnification, the teeth of the comb can be seen. These black combs' "teeth" run roughly parallel to the length of the leg.
Brush up on SWD identification on the Cornell Fruit Resources SWD Identification page,
Although one male was caught, there's no fruit ripening, so no insecticide use at this time is needed against SWD. Keep monitoring.