Herkimer County traps caught 10 SWD, 7 males and 3 females, on August 1, 2017. Four traps are being monitored in a blueberry planting, which is still not at peak ripeness. The grower is hoping to get a couple more weeks of picking out of the planting.
Traps in Herkimer County are being monitored by Bernie Armata, Herkimer County Cornell Cooperative Extension.
This is the final SWD monitoring network County to catch SWD. All other sites are at sustained catch. The number of SWD caught at research sites is on the rise. Reports of fruit infestation have come in, especially from fruit plantings not being treated with insecticide. Some direct market growers have closed their plantings due to SWD pressure.
At this point in time, if fruit is ripe, it should be protected with an insecticide program:
More on SWD Management and on commercial fruit production is on Cornell Fruit Resources, fruit.cornell.edu.