There were 3 females found on June 20, 2017 in one of four traps set in summer raspberries in Schuyler County. The trap was set within the planting and the fruit are ripening. The risk of SWD infestation to summer fruit will likely be significant this year. Four traps set in an adjacent blueberry planting where the fruit are still green caught no SWD.
These traps are being checked weekly by Nicole Mattoon and Taylere Herrmann who work with Juliet Carroll, Fruit IPM Coordinator, NYS IPM Program, Cornell Cooperative Extension.
It is time to think strategically about all the management practices that can thwart this invasive pest. Use several tactics. Manage weeds and mow row middles. Protect the crop with insecticides. Use sanitation. Maintain a cold chain to slow or stop development of SWD in fruit.
For summer raspberries - in July, prune out the smallest primocanes, beginning when they are 12 to 18 inches high to select and keep the biggest and best canes for next year. Begin removing spent floricanes in July along with any late emerging primocanes. Maintain 4 or 5 healthy floricanes per foot of row.