Save the date for the 2016 NE IPM SWD Working Group meeting! Friday, October 21st, 2016. We invite members of the NE IPM SWD Working Group and interested berry growers to participate. The Working Group meeting will be held at the NYSAES, Cornell University campus in Geneva, NY. There will be a welcome dinner on Thursday, October 20th as in years past. Details will be forthcoming.
Read more about the activities of the SWD IPM Working Group and review the research and extension priorities developed in 2014 on the Spotted Wing Drosophila IPM Working Group webpages hosted by the Northeastern IPM Center. We have two years of funding from the NE IPM Center to address SWD during our working group meetings in 2016 and 2017. Our working group objectives:
• Objective 1. Increased Networking among individuals and/or groups on SWD IPM.—that means you, berry growers!
• Objective 2. Setting priorities for SWD IPM.—we want to know what your priorities are!
• Objective 3. Develop Resources for SWD IPM.—what resources do you need?
• Objective 4. Share Resources on SWD IPM.—keep in touch, we'll share resources we develop and identify.
Thank you for your continued interest in the research and management of Spotted Wing Drosophila. If you have questions or comments about the 2016 program, or if you know of individuals that should be added to the list, please feel free to contact one or all of the planning committee.
Best regards,
Julie Carroll,
Greg Loeb,
Cesar Rodriguez Saona,
Anne Nielsen,
Dean Polk,
Laura McDermott,