After early catch in May and 4 weeks of zero SWD, a single male SWD was caught in the blueberry planting in Schuyler County on June 24, 2021. Two other male SWD were caught in Schuyler County - one in a raspberry planting on the same farm and the other in a second blueberry planting on another farm. Numbers are still low (1 SWD/4 traps and 1 SWD/9 traps). All these males were caught on a red sticky card trap, set on the edge of the planting nearest the woods and shade.
Raspberry harvest is underway at this farm. Early blueberry varieties are starting to color. Mid-season and late season varieties are still green.
We are at the point where it will be imperative to sample each harvest with salt flotation tests. Communicate with customers about SWD infestation. Make sure fruit is placed into cold storage or refrigeration after harvest. Keep weeds down, mow row middles, prune back tree branches shading rows.
- SWD Management,
- SWD Salt Flotation Test,
- Insecticide Quick Guides
The traps in Schuyler County are being monitored by Juliet Carroll, NYS IPM Program, CCE.