One male SWD was caught in a trap set on the edge of a blueberry planting in Niagara County. The traps were checked on June 8, 2020. Fruit is developing nicely, yet still green and not susceptible to egg-laying. Now's the time to brush up on pest management for SWD, before harvest begins.
SWD Management in Blueberry
- Read this blog, Managing SWD in Blueberries at
- Spotted Wing Drosophila IPM in Blueberries from the NE IPM Center SWD Working Group,
- SWD Management, on Cornell Fruit Resources.
Consider all the things we can do to thwart this insect that will enhance the efficacy of the insecticide management program:
- Mowing
- Weed management
- Pruning
- Sanitation
- Cold storage
These traps are being monitored by Elizabeth Tee, Lake Ontario Fruit Program, Cornell Cooperative Extension.
Want to learn more about SWD? Check out the information on Cornell Fruit Resources Spotted Wing Drosophila,