A single female SWD was caught in a blueberry planting in Orleans County, in traps checked on July 9, 2019 by Liz Tee, Lake Ontario Fruit Program of CCE. While the number is low, it is likely that the SWD catch will be greater next week, but possibly not.
That's one of the things that makes this insect so unnerving — it can explode when you least expect it.
Make sure you keep an eye on how ripe your crop is. No-choice lab tests proved SWD females can lay eggs in blueberries that are pink.
Take the time to carefully plan out your management strategy now. Review resources available online to help you learn how to protect ripe and ripening fruit crops from infestation.
- SWD management - has the insecticide quick guides and summaries of cultural tactics
- SWD monitoring - has the info on salt flotation to check fruit for infestation
- Crops of concern - gives you a perspective on all the various fruit and wild plants that can serve as hosts for SWD
- SWD identification - learn how to identify it
- NY distribution map - see where the trap network has found it