As expected this late into the summer season, SWD was caught a second week in a row at a blueberry farm in Herkimer County. 7 males were caught in the traps set in and around the blueberry field, during the week ending August 9, 2018. These traps are being monitored by Bernie Armata, Herkimer County Cornell Cooperative Extension.
The grower has continued monitoring for fruit infestation using salt flotation. Harvest is winding down and the farm will be closing in a few days.
If you need more information about SWD, consult the web pages listed below on Cornell Fruit Resources,, under Berry Integrated Pest Management, New and Emerging Pest Issues in Berries:
- SWD monitoring, – describes what you can do.
- SWD management, – describes what you should do.
- SWD distribution, – describes where the CCE network is finding it.