A single female SWD was caught in one of two traps set in and on the edge of a red raspberry planting in Niagara County during the week ending July 2, 2018.
The fruit at this site are just starting to ripen. Therefore, there is still time to prepare and plan a strategy for managing SWD at this location. Be mindful of your fruits' stages of ripeness—the softer the fruit becomes, the more susceptible it is to oviposition by SWD females.
These traps are being monitored by Tess Grasswitz, Lake Ontario Fruit Program.
The distribution map for SWD is starting to color in! The Early Detection and Distribution Mapping System map is filled in by the New York State SWD Volunteer Monitoring Network (EDD Maps SWD VMN) of Cornell Cooperative Extension. This map is also featured on the Cornell Fruit Resources SWD distribution maps page.