The 2016 NE IPM SWD Working Group meeting will happen on Friday, October 21st, 2016. We invite members of the NE IPM SWD Working Group and interested berry growers, educators, and consultants to participate. The Working Group meeting will be held at the NYSAES, Cornell University campus in Geneva, NY.
If you are interested in attending, please contact Laura McDermott,, to register before Tuesday, October 18th.
As in years’ past, we will convene at 7:00pm the evening before (10/20) for dinner and conversation, then roll up our sleeves for a full day of research presentations, priority setting and discussion on Friday, 10/21.
Our objectives, listed below, will be reflected in a different meeting style this year. New this year: grower discussion panel, SWD research posters, SWD resources, break-out groups to review and rank SWD priorities, and updates from two national research projects on SWD.
Objective 1. Increased Networking among individuals and/or groups on SWD IPM.
Objective 2. Setting priorities for SWD IPM.
Objective 3. Develop Resources for SWD IPM.
Objective 4. Share Resources on SWD IPM.
On Friday's agenda, October 21—
8:00am – Welcome, Susan Brown, Director, NY State Agricultural Experiment Station
8:15am – Introduction, background and purpose, Juliet Carroll, Cornell University
8:25am – Discussion of Fruit Industry Impacts with Grower Panel
- Dale Ila Riggs, The Berry Patch, NY
- Nate Nourse, Nourse Farms, MA
- TBD, Atlantic Blueberry Co., NJ
- Brian Reeves, Reeves Farm, NY
- Rick Reisinger & Lisa Brower, Rick’s Apple Country, NY
9:25am – Extension Priorities, break-out groups
10:30am – Stop SWD website development, Cesar Rodriguez-Saona, Rutgers University
10:40am – Insecticide registration, organic products, and MRL’s addressed by the IR4 Program, Krista Coleman, Program Assistant, Organic Support, IR4
11:00am – Regulatory & Education Priorities, breakout groups
11:40am – SWD Poster & Resources session
12:00pm – Lunch, provided.
1:00pm – 2016 Status of SWD – Regional reports discussion, Laura McDermott, Cornell Cooperative Extension
1:35pm – Overview of the National SWD SCRI project, Cesar Rodriguez-Saona, Rutgers University
1:50pm – Overview of the Organic OREI project, Greg Loeb, Cornell University
2:05pm – Research Priorities, break-out groups
2:45pm – IPM Guidelines for SWD (15 min)
- Year 1 – Brambles, Greg Loeb
- Year 2 – Blueberry, Cesar Rodriguez-Saona
3:00pm – SWD Working Group evaluation & thoughts for future, Laura McDermott and Juliet Carroll
2:45pm – Adjourn
Thank you for your continued interest in the research on and management of SWD.
Best regards from the SWD IPM Working Group committee,
- Julie Carroll,
- Greg Loeb,
- Cesar Rodriguez Saona,
- Anne Nielsen,
- Dean Polk,
- Laura McDermott,