For two weeks in a row, SWD has been caught in traps set in a raspberry planting in Wayne County. SWD was caught in all four traps set in the planting, two within the crop and two on the edge of the panting. Four female and one male SWD were caught at this site in traps checked on Monday, June 27, 2016. Traps at this location are being monitored by Nicole Mattoon, technician with Dr. Juliet Carroll’s fruit IPM program, NYS IPM Program, Cornell University, Geneva. Summer raspberry harvest is beginning in this region.
A fruit sample of 25 fruit was collected near the edge trap that had caught a single female SWD the previous week. No evidence of eggs or larvae were seen via microscoic examination of the fruit, nor were any eggs or larvae found via salt flotation. However, it is only a matter of time before the females mate and are ready to lay eggs in the ripening crop!
Please review all management practices and monitoring tactics for this insect on Cornell Fruit Resources. It will be crucial to be proactive with SWD management and fruit sampling this year.