By Genevieve Sullivan
PhD Candidate in Food Microbiology
(Dr. Wiedmann lab)
BS Food Science 2016
Greek frozen yogurt texture and taste optimization study
Project Team: Danielle Corrado, Richard DelPlato, Brenda Margolies, Genevieve Sullivan
Industry Partner: Alicia M. Dargan Kroner, Epicurean Gourmet Specialties, LLC
Purpose: The aim of this project was to bring a Greek frozen yogurt product from the product development stage to ready-for-retail. This project was completed in partnership with Alicia M. Dargan Kroner for the Capstone course in Food Science.
Sensory Challenge: Determine if the amount of overrun, the texture and the honey flavoring were preferred when compared to a commercially available alternative.
Sensory testing was conducted on April 21, 2016 in the Sensory Evaluation Center (118 Stocking Hall West).
The test featured two samples: Byrne Dairy frozen yogurt (control/benchmark), and the Queen Bee Creamery sample (test) that contained a trial stabilizer and specified fat amount.
Over the course of five hours, 117 people participated in the test to determine the Overall Liking and Liking of the following parameters: Flavor, Texture, Mouthfeel, etc. among many others.
Results: Overall, consumers liked the competitor benchmark, Byrne Dairy Frozen Yogurt, significantly better than the test prototype from the Queen Bee Creamery. While the Flavor of the test product was well liked and rated on par to the competitor, the Mouthfeel and the Texture were identified as the areas for improvement for the test product.
Conclusion: The sensory test conducted gave the team key insights into what consumers liked and disliked about the test product. Based on the data collected, the team advised the partner that more stabilizer and a higher fat content would be needed in order to improve the product’s texture, creaminess, and mouth-feel. Due to the positive scores for vanilla flavor and sweetness, those parameters were left unchanged.
The formula’s stabilizer and fat content were adjusted and the product received a favorable reception during the final group presentation on May 20, 2016.
The final recipe was proven to be a success at a recent Taste of Syracuse foodie festival in downtown Syracuse. The samples were flying off the shelf.
To try a sample of the final version of the Greek Frozen Yogurt the team worked on last spring, please visit: Camillus Yogurt Bar at 100 Kasson Road in Camillus, NY.
This project was funded in part by an Engaged Cornell grant.
Richard DelPlato, Genevieve Sullivan, Alicia M. Dargan Kroner (Epicurean Gourmet Specialties, LLC.), Brenda Margolies, Danielle Corrado at the Final Team presentation on May 20, 2016 (Stocking Hall).
This team’s work was recently featured in several articles: