STEM Fields Today And In The Future

I had the opportunity to view the film Hidden Figures and the listen to the discussion that followed regarding the role and growth of the STEM fields. The film was fantastic and followed the lives of women who faced much discrimination because of their race and their sex. Though these woman faced many challenges they over came their hardships and perserviered in fields that only men were thought to be able to study and do well. Despite these issues, these woman furthered the space program as well as provided role models for future young woman that have been discriminated against. The panel that followed the film discussed the role STEM fields have played and will play as society and technology advances further. Additionally, it was discussed that not as many women are involved in STEM fields as men. This film as well as the panel was very interesting and provided a lot of information as to how women, societies ideals, as well as technology have evolved and will further evolve. I do recommend that if you have not seen the film Hidden Figures, that you see it

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