Sun Coffee: Impact and Vision

Last week’s Rose Cafe allowed me to have the great pleasure of meeting Keith Lemnios, the CEO of Sun Coffee Roasters. Through this discussion, I was able to learn more about his company and vision. I thought that one of the most interesting parts of the discussion was really how Mr. Lemnios emphasized the “why” aspect of leadership. Leaders cannot be leaders without answering this question of “why” their product is benefiting others or why they seek to pursue this vision in the first place. Many companies often operate under a mission of serving the greater good when they actually only seek the monetary profits, through this talk, I learned how companies really hold value in themselves beyond the profits.

Mr. Lemnios discussed how he is mission-driven and seeks to provide his employees with the benefits and resources that they need as well as provide his customers with coffee that is fresh and worth the money they paid. I very much admire Mr. Lemnios’s mission-driven attitude and hope that I can apply this type of approach as I seek out my own goals and advance in my professional life as well.

One thought on “Sun Coffee: Impact and Vision

  1. I also found the discussion of “why” interesting. I agree with Mr. Lemnios that this is one thing that connects all the popular companies, for example, Google is all about innovation, so they released Google Glass and are working on self-driving cars. I hadn’t really thought about it before the cafe, but when we buy products from popular companies, a lot of the time we’re also buying the idea instead of just the product.