The Transatlantic Series: Everything I thought I’d Never Know About Track and Field

This past Wednesday I had the pleasure of listening to the Rose Cafe given by Paul Willcox. I was a bit confused about the topic of the talk as all the information I had was the title. However, I was pleasantly surprised. I did not know anything about track and field before this talk except for some very vague information. There was a large amount of history involved in this talk and I think that made it more interesting for me. Overall, I had never heard of the Transatlantic series. The concept behind it is very intriguing. It is bringing together athletes from two different countries, separated by an ocean. I find it very interesting that they managed to carry the series out even when the athletes had to travel on a ship. To me, this is some serious dedication.

I think that this type of competition is a great idea. I think it is something that would be interesting to do with other areas of life such as with common majors or programs. This kind of opportunity allows a study abroad type experience without having to be away from college. Overall, I was pleasantly surprised by this talk and was very glad that I went.

One thought on “The Transatlantic Series: Everything I thought I’d Never Know About Track and Field

  1. I totally agree with your idea that we should have similar programs for different majors. It would allow us to meet students from different background and cultures and bond over our common academic interests.