Brazil: A Diverse Country

I went to a Rose Cafe last Wednesday where we learned more about Brazil. The speaker spoke about the diverse climate in Brazil, from beaches to wetlands. This really surprised me because I thought that the majority of Brazil was rainforest. The speaker also talked about how the president recently got impeached, and that when I realized that I really did not know much about Brazil. It’s one of the biggest countries in the world, so it was a bit startling to realize how little I knew about it. I remember very briefly going over South America in 9th grade, but we spent 2 weeks talking about the entire continent. And now in college, as a science major, there really wasn’t any reason to take a class about South America or Brazil. It can be hard to teach students everything about the world, and the education system has to pick which pieces of information to cut. I really enjoyed going to this talk because I learned a little bit more about life in Brazil. I appreciate these Rose Cafes because I get to learn some things about the world that I wouldn’t have know otherwise.

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