Technology and Mad Max

Watching “Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome” made me think how much technology impacts our lives. The main plot is about a man (Max) who exiled to a desert and ended up in an area where Boeing 747 crashed. The children who were survivors of the accident were left in the oasis desert by their parents. They were desperate to go back to fly to their home land and live in civilization. However, they weren’t able to fly back home since they had no one to fix the air plane. They thought that Max will take them to the civilized world that they saw in the pictures left by their parents which have sky scrapers and bright cities. Personally, the main take away from the movie was appreciation of the technology that we take for granted these days and using them effectively for the common good. I am not surprised that this 1985 movie was chosen over the current movies. I definitely encourage you to watch it over the break!

One thought on “Technology and Mad Max

  1. I went to watch this movie and decided not to blog because I was very confused after watching the movie, which I think I partially attribute to not having watched the prequels.

    I have heard much about the movie but overall, I had a difficult time understanding. I might argue that I did not really see a stress on the appreciation of technology in the film. If anything, the more civilized part of society present, with more available technology, was off-putting. After reading your blog, I am more under the impression that one theme may have been to be wary of our applications of technology and how we let that affect the treatment of our planet. Yet, in my opinion, technology was not really presented in any positive light.