Mad Max: A Mixed Bag

Last Friday, I went to go see Mad Max: Beyond the Thunderdome. I had heard a lot of good things about the Max Max franchise, so I was expecting great things. Unfortunately, I did not enjoy the movie as much as I though I would. It was a post-apocolytic action film, so that might have had something to do with it. I don’t particularly like action films. The writers tried to make the violence humorous but I did not find it very humorous. But, compared to the other action movies that I’ve seen, this was one of the better ones. I did enjoy the character “Master”. He was quite funny. I really found it sad when “Blaster” was killed. He was mentally challenged and I really don’t think that he should have been killed. I’m glad that I went to go see Mad Max because now I know why a lot of people enjoy the movie.

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