Google Brazil

Today Andre spoke about Brazil. He reminded us that Brazil is huge! It is the fifth largest country in the world. It has almost every kind of climate, from dry grass lands to tropical wetlands. He showed us pictures of the most beautiful places in Brazil. To be honest, this google image search went on a little too long for my taste. Luckily, he dove into deeper topics as the talk went on. Andre assured us that the new president is bringing about positive changes. Previously, the politics of Brazil were extremely corrupt. It still exists, but the people are starting to fight against the corruption. Corruption is one of the biggest problems in Brazil, and it weakens all of its institutions.  Andre went on to discuss the history of democracy in Brazil, and the  cycles of change that occurred to create the current government.

This talk was informative, but I was disappointed about the style of the talk. While I learned things about Brazil that I didn’t know before, I realize I could have easily acquired this information from a wikipedia page. I wish Andre spoke more about his personal experience, or about his area of expertise which is dairy supply. I appreciate the effort Andre put into teaching us about Brazil. However, I hope the next Rose café will teach me more than I can learn from a quick google search.

One thought on “Google Brazil

  1. I agree with you, Hadley. I would have really enjoyed to hear about Andre’s personal experiences, and his research regarding the dairy industry. I would have liked to know how the dairy industry of Brazil differs from American dairy. I think the talk provided a bit more than a Wikipedia page, as we got insight from a real life Brazilian who has seen these places and has a real context for explanation. I am also looking forward to the next Rose Cafe, where I am hoping you will have a better experience.