Education systems: How different are they around the world?

During the Rose cafe with Andre Simores I realized the extent to which education systems differ around the world. This was something I always knew being born and raised in Sri Lanka. I understood that there was a contrasts between the two education systems I was exposed to. However, I assumed that most colonies followed the British system and that most of North America followed the US education system.

Andre Simores firstly explained to us about the geography of Brazil and then the political and economic conditions in Brazil. Yet, what I found most intriguing was the education system due to my previous misconception. He explained to us how in Brazil public universities were the most prestigious universities. That all students target these public universities.

He also enlightened us about how in Brazil the key to getting into a good public university is to pay a higher tuition fee and attend an expensive high school this will help your chances in getting admitted into one of the top public universities. Further, in brazil students don’t directly have to pay tuition either. Additionally, another fact I found fascinating was the reason why public universities were more prestigious than private ones. This was because all the top notch faculty taught at the public universities, therefore, the only determinant of a good public university is the faculty according to Andre Simores, which is unlike the US and Sri Lanka for me personally.

The fact that you need to pay higher high school tuition to get into a cheaper prestigious public university was something I fond very interesting. Further, the differentiator that sets public universities apart from private ones is its exceptional faculty. The differences in the US and Sri Lankan educations systems in comparison to Brazil’s education system made me realize the great extent to which education systems differ around the world.


One thought on “Education systems: How different are they around the world?

  1. Hi Dhanushka, I enjoyed reading your post. I had the same taught as you regarding the contrast between private and public schools. I used to think that private schools provide better education and are more expensive. I am surprised that the Brazil’s education system is the opposite of this. However, it think it is unfortunate for many students who can’t afford to pay for expensive high schools since one of the factors that determines their future success is the universities they attend. I think for U.S universities there is no big contrast between the education provided in public and private universities even though private schools have better resources and big names that could possibly help to find a job easily.