Learning About Fats

Last Wednesday I went to Dr. Robins’ talk on “From ‘Hogless Lard’ to Smart Balance: fats and the global food system”. As someone not coming from nutrition or food science background, I really appreciate Dr.Robins explained different kinds of fat in an understandable way. He mentioned several kind of fats that can do harm to you, such as saturated fat and trans fat. I clearly remember from the talk one week before then the lady talked about how fat-free cookie actually is harmful to our bodies since the sugar component would be way to high in order to fill in the gap of lacking of fat.

In my everyday meal, I am always cautious of talking in overly high fat food such as desert, icecream or fried, fast food. But sometimes after exams or long study sessions, I find it necessary and satisfactory to give myself a sweet treat, and the high calories contained in these kinds of food can give me a very quick reboot to come back to more studying. At the same time, I find myself gaining weight for indulging myself in the delicious deserts provided on West Campus this semester. I am pushing myself to eat more healthy, but sometimes the healthy alternative just can’t give me enough energy to sustain long day of working.


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