trestle at pope lick creek

Last Friday, I attended The Trestle at Pope Lick Creek with a group from Flora Rose. The performance was top-notch with superb acting. I had no prior experience with playwright Naomi Wallace or her work and the title sounded off-putting because it didn’t give enough information which made it confusing. That said, from the opening scene, the characters drew the audience in with their riveting performances and honest emotional dialogue. The subject matter is deep—centering primarily on the interrelationship of the characters with each other and also with their circumstances, most importantly with the death of someone who knew them all. You get to know the dead fellow through the survivors’ eyes and their expressions of feelings, much more than through narrative description. The way each character copes with the death is important to how they end up dealing with each other. It was billed as “A play about class, violence, and sex in America,” and included all of these aspects, but ultimately was about people dealing with other people. The show was my first Schwartz Center performance, but it won’t be my last. I thank Ashley for including it on the Rose calendar. I look forward to attending more well-produced shows like this one!

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